Quality Policy

ISO9001 Certified

Certified Area

Designing, Manufacturing, Marketing, and Servicing Non-Destructive Inspection Related Equipment

Certified Sites

HQ(Admin., Tech. Sales , QA., Radiation Ctrl., Safety & Sanitation Management) Dept.
Tokyo Branch, Chiba Branch, Kobe Branch,Nagoya Branch, Takasago Branch, Kumatori Factory.

JCSS registered

JCSS0264 is the certificate number provided by Japan Calibration Service System Our Radiation Measurement Center is registered as a handling company for radiation, radioactivity, and neutral molecular classification. The registration number is 0264.

The JCSS registered companies are subject to comply with ISO/IEC 17025.

Environmental Policy

Environmental philosophy

Through our business activity, we work toward environmental protection in symbiosis with the local community to leave a healthier world for future generations. It is the basic responsibility of all our employees to be aware of our environmental philosophy and take action.

Action Policy

With our environmental philosophy at the core, to be a good citizen in our local community, we attempt to minimize the burden on the environment and make efforts toward continual improvement.

  • To understand comprehensively the direct and indirect influence we have on the environment and properly reconsider chances for improvement in the planning stages, our basic activities at work continue to aim to reduce the burden on the environment. We've give priority to and grapple with the issue in the following ways:
    1. Taken steps to save energy, including limits on electricity consumption.
    2. Reduce amount of paper copies and take other steps to conserve resources.
    3. Take steps to use green products in our operations and our offices.
    4. Reduce waste and improve recycling efforts.
  • Obey directives on environmental protection.
  • Department chiefs are responsible for making sure each employee takes steps to reduce the burden on the environment. They work step by step in all operations through activities that consider the environment.

November 30, 2017
Pony Industry Co., Ltd.